Monday, December 13, 2010


It is 'alleged' that over the past number of years, that there are in excess of 600 Gardai  now based on Limerick. 

Now that the Department of Justice are on a budget *cough*, it is anticipated that the number of Gardai are expected to drop significantly countrywide in 2011.  However, Chief Super David Sheehan maintains that Limerick won't be affected......  (not that anyone would notice anyway!!)

I guess that means there will be more donuts to go round!  The ring of power eh :)


  1. I thought about becoming a Garda once upon a time, but then I decided to finish secondary school instead hahahaha. You don't have to have much on top to to get in there.

  2. and how much a week are u claiming from social welfare... how did secondary school go, u must be 30 now at least

  3. how to be an Irish Cop :))

  4. Anonymous, I never claimed from social welfare in my life, recently retired and enjoying a nice pension! I worked hard all my life and obtained a very decent Degree. You can't say that for many Gardai in Ireland, most of them wouldn't work to warm themselves.

  5. Donegal is Alive in Limerick!

  6. anoynmous, I'd believe it!
