Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Polly want a cracker!

First up, we had the   muppets  ....
now we have the parrots........

A Dean Martin (no not that one!) was up before Tom O'Donnell at Limerick District Court. He was cleared of calling a Garda Denise Haverty from Henry Street a parrot back in April, whilst she and a colleague were trying to arrest a drunk individual on Cruises Street. Apparently there was a bit of an altercation on Cruise's Street and he was accused of threatening behaviour.

Havery alleged that Dean Martin stuck his ore in and said "Do you have a problem?"  She then alleged that she walked towards him and he then became abusive towards her. She apparently asked him for his name a couple of times, to which his reply was.....

"Are you a parrot?"

(oh this just cracks me up! I can just picture that scene now!)

She alleged, that he also alleged that "Frank Sinatra" was standing beside him!

Dean Martin denied the allegations and maintained that he was joking when referring to Frank Sinatra.

"It was a joke, some guards can take a joke and I didn't know she wasn't going to be able to take a joke,"

He admitted that he had stared at the gardai while they were trying to arrest the inebriated individual but insisted that he didn't use bad language or become abusive during the incident.

Tom O'Donnell dismissed the charge saying..

"I would have to have some slight doubt, it was smart and cheeky but it was not criminal in my view."

and his advise to Dean Martin....

"My advice to you would be to give a civil answer when you are stopped by the Guards from now on."

Seriously though, what an effin waste of taxpayers moola eh,  to bring something like that to court!!! Jazus some Gardai get their nickers in a twist over nothing! and it's probably the poor craters on the street drunk, not harming anyone, that will end up behind bars, and not the scum running around stabbing and shooting and threatening people!

In the words of Jack Sparrow...... funny ole world innit!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe...

Quote of the week....
(from chancer of the week........)

"I don't have a book of evidence in my back pocket, I have to seek an extension of time."

Seamus Ruane, Inspector in the Disctrict Court in reply to Ted McCarthy Solicitor.

The Collopy Brothers (Kieran and Damien) who are accused of tresspassing and threatening to kill an individual April last, will stand trial at Limerick Circuit Court following directions from the DPP. They are also facing an additional charge of demanding money from the same individual. The defendants pleaded innocent to the additional charge.

Their Solicitor Ted McCarthy put in an objection to a Garda application for additional time while the book of evidence was being prepared. He maintained that the statutory period of 42 days had elapsed since the brothers were charged and wanted O'Donnell to strike out the charges as they were all connected.

"The delay is unreasonable," he said.
O'Donnell refused Ted McCarthy's application and the case was adjourned until the 8th of July.

There is no evidence that the tongue is connected to the brain.....

Thursday, June 24, 2010

When you see a moose cross the road, you tend to 'tunnel vision' on that animal and don't see the one that's right behind it..

Steve Collins has praised anti gangland laws which he maintains transformed Limerick City! The Criminal Justice Amendment Act allows certain individuals to be brought before a non jury Special Criminal Court and directives on taking part in organised crime. It has been extended for another year.

I don't see a transformation?!?!?  If anything I think matters in general have escalated....

"There's been a huge push of in-your-face policing by the gardai and gangs are starting to break up, and it's all down to the fact they have these powers now," he said.

I still don't see it,??!?

"These are strong laws and they are going to prove to be the turning point in this gangland problem."

Justice Minister Dermot Ahern said 69 people have been arrested under the provisions since its introduction.

"Let me be blunt about it - the thugs involved in organised crime are desperate people who will stop at nothing to avoid being brought to account for their crimes," Dermot Ahern

Well that's true, but like, what have they done about it in Limerick? nothing....

"Violence and intimidation are a way of life for these people and we have a duty to make sure that the criminal justice system can hold sway over them"

Like many others, I believe that if they enforced laws already in existence it would be a start!!!

Steve Collins insisted gangland bosses around Limerick have been rounded up as a direct result of the legislation.

I still don't see it!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Something wicked this way comes...

........all 67 of em!!

67 convicted criminals are due to be  released  from Limerick Prison because of ongoing overcrowding problems. Nothing new there eh!

The norm lately is that they release em after two days *cough*..

According to Tadgh O'Riordan, the Governor of Limerick Prison, the problem has escalated to such an extent that they are running out of inmates that are actually eligible for temporary release. (Christ I couldn't make this up even if I wanted to!). So what criteria deems an inmate eligible for temporary release eh? something like 80, 90 or even a 100 plus convictions maybe! Capacity at Limerick Prison stands at 290 and this was exceeded by 19.

Then we have this  floozy complaining about lack of privacy in Limerick Women's Prison! Lack of effin privacy mind you. It's causing difficulties.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

comic operettas

If you wish in this world to advance, your merits you're bound to enhance; You must stir it and stump it, and blow your own trumpet, or trust me, you haven't a chance.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Infamous Five loose Kieran Keane murder case appeals.....

Anthony McCarthy, David Stanners, Christopher Costello, Dessie Dundon and James McCarthy convicted of murdering Kieran Keane, who was shot in an execution style killing with his hands tied behind his back and tortured, and the attempted murder of Owen Treacy, Keane's nephew in January 2003, lost their appeal  today to take their case to the Supreme Court, under Section 29 of the Courts of Justice Act 1924, in the Court of Criminal Appeal. They wanted clarification on a number of points i.e. the failure of the trial judge to adjourn the trial in light of  “excessive and prejudicial” media coverage, and issues in relation to the jury, to enable them pursue an appeal to the Supreme Court.

They were refused their appeal on the grounds that they did not raise points of law of "exceptional public importance".

The famous five *cough* were not present in court due to their agressive behaviour in 2007 when judgements were thrown at the Judge, when their appeal against their murder convictions was turned down. Justice Nial Fennelly, Justice Elizabeth Dunne and Justice Brian McGovern maintained they were “satisfied none” of the applicants “had been able” to identify a point of law of exceptional public importance.

The court was told that there was “significant media intrusion”, and the image of a “two-fingered gesture” which appeared in the media was cited before their case, as well as discussions of issues surrounding the case on the Late Late Show. It was presented to the court that the trial Judge at the time should have discharged the jury when it emerged that an employee of An Garda Siochana was on the jury. It turns out that this person is from Limerick and working as a Garda in Dubln...... and that's where my 'but' comes in! :)

The court said it was “not in dispute” that the trial attracted “enormous public interest and widespread press coverage” but rejected the argument that the fade factor should have applied and the trial adjourned. It was ruled that the trial Judge had “conducted the trial correctly”. It was also ruled that “no identifiable” point of exceptional public importance raised in respect of jury matters.

Think of my 'but' as a rubix cube! Countless twists and turns, but when you get it right, it looks perfect no matter what way you look at it....

Friday, June 11, 2010

What are you going to do for a face when that baboon asks for its ass back?

 Gobshite  of the week.......

Niall Collins TD maintains that the public  shoulder  part of the blame for the near collapse of the economy!!!

Niall Collins has been reacting to the publication of two reports into the banking crisis, which found the policies adopted by Brian Cowen while he was Minister for Finance contributed to the overheating of the economy.

Reputation is character minus what you've been caught doing

Hanora Ryan admitted to having quantities of cannabis grass and resin in her bedroom wardrobe at her home in Pallasgreen, Co. Limerick (over €60,000.00 worth of drugs). She was given a suspended sentence and avoided a jail sentence carrying a mandatory minimum sentence of ten years, because it seems, a Detective Garda Michael Reidy from Bruff was 'taken aback' when he heard that Hanora could possibly be involved. It was presented to the Judge that she was the most unlikely person to end up before the court.

'It was a case of blind loyalty to the person who was well known to her," he said.

Gardai were apparently investigating an individual who asked Hanora to store the drugs for a couple of days. After receiving confidential information the Gardai obtained a warrant and conducted a search on her home.

Judge Carroll Moran said it was a most exceptional case and imposed a four year sentence and suspended it for four years!

So, like, what is exceptional about it? She was caught red handed right?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

To coin a, phrase!

Two sides to the Shebeen coin...

One could argue that An Garda Siochana are making a 'pig's arse' out of this (no pun indended!)

How many times now?!?
Action expresses priorities

Gardai from Roxboro Garda Station, yet  again raided the ole Shebeen in Lilac Court shortly after 1a.m. on Saturday moring, to find four individuals supping a few bevvies. No arrests, but as usual quantities of alcohol were seized (€150). They also took away a metal door at the back of the house that was apparently used to access the premises! Kelly was ordered to shut down said Shebeen located at the back of his house last year. The Shebeen is fully equiped with bar stools, fridge and TV.
I think the local fuzz need a crack course on how to prioritise! Seems they have no problem is dragging their heals when it comes to a  murder  case, wherein local Solicitor Sarah Ryan described the State’s case against John Coughlan, Moyross, charged with the murder of Daniel Treacy, as “a farce,” was again having difficulties understanding their position at the District Court.

She said it was “nonsense,” that the State had six weeks without progress in the case.

“Action expresses priorities.”